All about Variables

All variables that you should change can be set in workdir/variables.tfvars. Let’s go through each variable in detail.


The entire workshop infrastructure (e.g. us-west-1) will be provisioned in the AWS region specified by aws_region = "us-west-1".


Each EC2 instance will execute the file (e.g. specified by bootstrap_file = "". The bootstrap file needs to exist in terraform/files/bootstrap/ and has the execution flag set. More on bootstrap files in “A new Workshop”.


defines the number of EC2 instances that shall be created by terrafrom in the specified region.


EC2 instances are provisined based on the instance type (e.g. t2.micro) specified by instance_type = "t2.micro".


All resource associated with the workshop are tagged with an owner tag containing the name or shorthand of the person running the workshop environment.


All resources are named based on the resource_prefix specified in workdir/variables.tfvars. E.g. the VPC name with resource_prefix = "helloworld" is helloworld_vpc. This increases transparency and in some cases resource names need to be unique.


The Amazon Machine Image Name, or partial name with regex, used to boot the ec2 instance(s). Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.


The owner ids of allowed AMIs. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.